Description: This directory contains snmp utilities to set and get and walk the mib. The batch file cpInit.bat initializes the data fields of the cameraProbe8 using these snmp utilities. If you have already set some of the fields in the cameraProbe8 cpInit.bat will overwrite those fields. You can also edit the file cpInit.bat with your custom entries such as descriptions Before running cpInit.bat, you should edit it. On the line that says "SET MIBDIRS=D:\ucd_utilities", change the drive letter "D:" to the CD-ROM drive letter on your system. For example, if you insert this CD into your system on drive F:, after editting cpInit.bat, that line should look like "SET MIBDIRS=F:\ucd_utilities" The command syntax for sp2Init.bat is "cpInit " where is the IP address of the cameraProbe8 unit is the password for Administrator. The default password is "public"