A quick note about the oid(object Identifier) The last digit of the oid indicates the RJ45 starting from sensor 0, RJ45#1 This oid is temperature sensor on RJ45 #1 . This oid is temperature sensor on RJ45 #2 . The OID for the humidity on RJ45 #1 is . The OID for the humidity on RJ45 #2 is . Here is script number 1 ------------------------------------ WorkDir: c:\www\MRTG Target[temp]: . MaxBytes[temp]: 100 Title[temp]: Temperature for Computer Center PageTop[temp]:

Temperature for Computer Center

Options[temp]: gauge,growright, nopercent YLegend[temp]: Temp ShortLegend[temp]: F --------------------------------------- Here is script number 2 --------------------------------------- RunAsDaemon: yes ####################### Server Room Temperature ########################################################### Target[]: . SetEnv[]: MRTG_INT_IP="" MRTG_INT_DESCR="" MaxBytes[]: 100 Title[]: Server Room Temperature PageTop[]:

Server Room Temperature

Unscaled[]: dwmy ShortLegend[]: F YLegend[]: Degrees F Legend1[]: Temperature LegendI[]: Temperature:  LegendO[]: Options[]: growright, nopercent, gauge Colours[]: RED#990000,RED#990000,RED#990000,RED#990000,RED#990000 WorkDir: c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\mrtg