Description: This directory contains snmp utilities to set and get and walk the mib. The batch file sp2Init.bat initializes the data fields of the sensorProbe using these snmp utilities. If you have already set some of the fields in the sensorProbe sp2Init.bat will overwrite those fields. You can also edit the file sp2Init.bat with your custom entries such as descriptions Before running sp2Init.bat you should edit and run run doConfig.bat doConfig.bat sets the path for the snmpset.exe utility. This step is not absolutely necessary, but it allows snmpset to print find the mibs in the local disrectory. This lets snmpset have a nice printout. 1. edit doConfig.bat to "this dir" 2. run doConfig.bat 3. enter an snmpse.exe or snmpget.exe command Example: 1. copy the contents of the quick start directory to D:\quickstart\sensorProbe\UCD_utilities 2. edit doConfig.bat to be: config d:\quickstart\sensorProbe\UCD_utilities 3. run doConfig.bat 4. run snmpget public .