--/***************************************************************************/ --/** */ --/** AKCP, Ltd */ --/** Proprietary and Confidential Information */ --/** */ --/** This material contains, and is part of a computer software program */ --/** which is, proprietary and confidential information owned by AKCP,Ltd */ --/** The program, including this material, */ --/** may not be duplicated, disclosed or reproduced in whole or in part for */ --/** any purpose without the express written authorization of AKCP, Ltd */ --/** All authorized reproductions must be marked with this legend. */ --/** */ --/** */ --/** Copyright (c) 1995-01 */ --/** AKCP, Ltd */ --/** All rights reserved */ --/** */ --/***************************************************************************/ HHMSAGENT-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, IpAddress FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215; akcp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 3854 } hhmsagent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { akcp 1 } hhmsAgentSummary OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hhmsagent 1 } hhmsAgentLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Agent location" ::= { hhmsAgentSummary 1 } hhmsAgentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noStatus(1), normal(2), warning(3), critical(4), sensorError(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current status of this Agent. The status of the agent is the worst status of all the sensors usder the control of this agent." ::= { hhmsAgentSummary 2 } hhmsNumberBadSensors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How many sensors controlled by this agent are not functioning properly" ::= { hhmsAgentSummary 4 } hhmsLocationBadSensor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Location of the first bad sensor controlled by this agent." ::= { hhmsAgentSummary 5 } hhmsAgentManufName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The manufacturers name" ::= { hhmsAgentSummary 6 } hhmsAgentHelpUrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The URL of the web based help" ::= { hhmsAgentSummary 7 } hhmsAgentHtmlView OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sensorArray(1), sensorArrayPro(2), advanced(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Which view of the sensors the user is served via the web server" ::= { hhmsAgentSummary 8 } hhmsAgentHtmlStandardTitle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The titles of the standard html view" ::= { hhmsAgentSummary 9 } hhmsAgentHtmlStandardButton OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The buttons of the standard html view" ::= { hhmsAgentSummary 10 } hhmsSensor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hhmsagent 2 } hhmsSensorArrayTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hhmsSensor 2 } hhmsSensorArrayEntry OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTable 1 } hhmsSensorArrayHost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Host of this sensor, this is the IP address" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 1 } hhmsSensorArrayUseDHCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes(1), no(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "To use DHCP enter a 1, to use a static IP address enter a 2" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 2 } hhmsSensorArrayMAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of this sensor." ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 3 } hhmsSensorArraySetCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensorArray community string used for snmp Sets" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 4 } hhmsSensorArrayGetCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensorArray community string used for snmp Gets" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 5 } hhmsSensorArrayDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Description of this sensorArray" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 6 } hhmsSensorArrayLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The description of the physical location of this sensorArray" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 7 } hhmsSensorArrayLastUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The last time the sensorArray was read" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 8 } hhmsSensorArrayStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noStatus(1), normal(2), sensorError(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current status of this sensorArray" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 9 } hhmsSensorArrayOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { online(1), offline(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this sensorArray is currently online" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 10 } hhmsSensorArrayGoOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { goOnline(1), goOffline(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "To put online enter a 1, to take offline enter a 2" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 11 } hhmsSensorArrayReadInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How many seconds between readings of this sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 12 } hhmsSensorArrayReceiveTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How many seconds to wait to receive data from the sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 13 } hhmsSensorArrayReceiveRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How many times to retry to receive data before giving up. A -1 means never give up trying" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 14 } hhmsSensorArrayVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The version of this SensorArray" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 15 } hhmsSensorArrayTempTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HhmsSensorArrayTempEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the data for every Temperature Sensor in the SensorArray. Each row in the table contains data for a different Temperature Sensor." ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 16 } hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HhmsSensorArrayTempEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is an entry in the hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry Table" INDEX { hhmsSensorArrayTempIndex } ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTempTable 1 } HhmsSensorArrayTempEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hhmsSensorArrayTempDescription DisplayString, hhmsSensorArrayTempLocation DisplayString, hhmsSensorArrayTempDegree INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayTempStatus INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayTempOnline INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayTempGoOnline INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayTempHighWarning INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayTempHighCritical INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayTempLowWarning INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayTempLowCritical INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayTempRearm INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayTempDegreeType INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayTempSensorType INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayTempTestStatus INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayTempDegreeRaw INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayTempIndex INTEGER } hhmsSensorArrayTempDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Description of this sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry 1 } hhmsSensorArrayTempLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The physical location of this sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry 2 } hhmsSensorArrayTempDegree OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The degrees in this sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry 3 } hhmsSensorArrayTempStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noStatus(1), normal(2), highWarning(3), highCritical(4), lowWarning(5), lowCritical(6), sensorError(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current status of this Sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry 4 } hhmsSensorArrayTempOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { online(1), offline(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this Sensor is currently online" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry 5 } hhmsSensorArrayTempGoOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { goOnline(1), goOffline(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "To put online enter a 1, to take offline enter a 2" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry 6 } hhmsSensorArrayTempHighWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How hot this sensor gets before it sends a warning" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry 7 } hhmsSensorArrayTempHighCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How hot this sensor gets before it sends a critical event" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry 8 } hhmsSensorArrayTempLowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How cold this sensor gets before it sends a warning" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry 9 } hhmsSensorArrayTempLowCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How cold this sensor gets before it sends a critical event" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry 10 } hhmsSensorArrayTempRearm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of degrees to rearm the status. For example if status goes from normal to warning, the temp must go down hhmsTempRearm degrees below warning before the status goes to normal" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry 11 } hhmsSensorArrayTempDegreeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fahr(0), celsius(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The degrees are in fahrenheit(0) or in celsius(1)" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry 12 } hhmsSensorArrayTempSensorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { type1(0), type2(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of temperture sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry 13 } hhmsSensorArrayTempTestStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { testNoStatus(1), testNormal(2), testHighWarning(3), testHighCritical(4), testLowWarning(5), testLowCritical(6), sensorError(7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Set the status for test purposes" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry 14 } hhmsSensorArrayTempDegreeRaw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The raw degree data from the temperature sensor, slightly higher resolution" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry 15 } hhmsSensorArrayTempIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..3) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index into the temperature sensor table" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayTempEntry 16 } hhmsSensorArrayHumidityTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the data for every Humidity Sensor in the SensorArray. Each row in the table contains data for a different Humidity Sensor." ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 17 } hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is an entry in the hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry Table" INDEX { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityIndex } ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityTable 1 } HhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityDescription DisplayString, hhmsSensorArrayHumidityLocation DisplayString, hhmsSensorArrayHumidityPercent INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayHumidityStatus INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayHumidityOnline INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayHumidityGoOnline INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayHumidityHighWarning INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayHumidityHighCritical INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayHumidityLowWarning INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayHumidityLowCritical INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayHumidityRearm INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayHumidityTestStatus INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayAnalogRaw INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayAtoDLowVoltage INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayAtoDHighVoltage INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayHumidityIndex INTEGER } hhmsSensorArrayHumidityDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Description of this sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry 1 } hhmsSensorArrayHumidityLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The physical location of this sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry 2 } hhmsSensorArrayHumidityPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The relative humidity percentage measured by this sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry 3 } hhmsSensorArrayHumidityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noStatus(1), normal(2), highWarning(3), highCritical(4), lowWarning(5), lowCritical(6), sensorError(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current status of this Sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry 4 } hhmsSensorArrayHumidityOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { online(1), offline(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this Sensor is currently online" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry 5 } hhmsSensorArrayHumidityGoOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { goOnline(1), goOffline(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "To put online enter a 1, to take offline enter a 2" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry 6 } hhmsSensorArrayHumidityHighWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How high the relative humidity this sensor measures before it sends a warning" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry 7 } hhmsSensorArrayHumidityHighCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How high the relative humidity this sensor measures before it becomes critical" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry 8 } hhmsSensorArrayHumidityLowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How low the relative humidity this sensor measures before it sends a warning" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry 9 } hhmsSensorArrayHumidityLowCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How low the relative humidity this sensor measures before it becomes critical" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry 10 } hhmsSensorArrayHumidityRearm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The percent relative humidity to rearm the status. For example if status goes from normal to warning, the humidity must go down hhmsHumidityRearm below warning before the status goes to normal" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry 11 } hhmsSensorArrayHumidityTestStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { testNoStatus(1), testNormal(2), testHighWarning(3), testHighCritical(4), testLowWarning(5), testLowCritical(6), sensorError(7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Set the status for test purposes" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry 12 } hhmsSensorArrayAnalogRaw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The unformatted, raw, Analog value in this sensor. Contains more resolution than the formated percentage. This number can go from 0 to 1023 depending on the input voltage" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry 13 } hhmsSensorArrayAtoDLowVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The low voltage range for use in AtoD conversion. The minimum value is 0. This number is 10 times the minimum value, so for example .1 volts would be enterend as 1. This number can go from 0 to 50 which will indicate 0 to 5 volts" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry 14 } hhmsSensorArrayAtoDHighVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The high voltage range for use in AtoD conversion. The maximum value is 5. This number is 10 times the maximum value, so for example 4.7 volts would be enterend as 47. This number can go from 0 to 50 which will indicate 0 to 5 volts" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry 15 } hhmsSensorArrayHumidityIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index into the Humidity sensor table" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHumidityEntry 16 } hhmsSensorArraySwitchTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HhmsSensorArraySwitchEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the data for every Switch Sensor in the SensorArray. Each row in the table contains data for a different Switch Sensor." ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 18 } hhmsSensorArraySwitchEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HhmsSensorArraySwitchEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is an entry in the hhmsSensorArraySwitchEntry Table" INDEX { hhmsSensorArraySwitchIndex } ::= { hhmsSensorArraySwitchTable 1 } HhmsSensorArraySwitchEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hhmsSensorArraySwitchDescription DisplayString, hhmsSensorArraySwitchLocation DisplayString, hhmsSensorArraySwitchStatus INTEGER, hhmsSensorArraySwitchOnline INTEGER, hhmsSensorArraySwitchGoOnline INTEGER, hhmsSensorArraySwitchDirection INTEGER, hhmsSensorArraySwitchNormalState INTEGER, hhmsSensorArraySwitchOutputLevel INTEGER, hhmsSensorArraySensorType INTEGER, hhmsSensorArraySwitchIndex INTEGER } hhmsSensorArraySwitchDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Description of this sensor Switch" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySwitchEntry 1 } hhmsSensorArraySwitchLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The physical location of this sensor Switch" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySwitchEntry 2 } hhmsSensorArraySwitchStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noStatus(1), normal(2), highWarning(3), highCritical(4), lowWarning(5), lowCritical(6), sensorError(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current status of this Sensor, only input switches have a status" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySwitchEntry 3 } hhmsSensorArraySwitchOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { online(1), offline(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this Sensor is currently online" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySwitchEntry 4 } hhmsSensorArraySwitchGoOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { goOnline(1), goOffline(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "To put online enter a 1, to take offline enter a 2" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySwitchEntry 5 } hhmsSensorArraySwitchDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { input(0), output(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "To set a switch to input enter 0. To set a switch to output enter 1" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySwitchEntry 6 } hhmsSensorArraySwitchNormalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { closed(0), open(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The normal state of an input switch. If an input switch is in this state it is normal, else it is critical. An open switch senses +5 volts. A closed switch senses 0 volts." ::= { hhmsSensorArraySwitchEntry 7 } hhmsSensorArraySwitchOutputLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { low(0), high(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An output swith can be set to this level" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySwitchEntry 8 } hhmsSensorArraySensorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { temperature(1), fourTo20mA(2), humidity(3), water(4), atod(5), security(6), airflow(8), dryContact(10), voltage(12) relay(13) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enter the type of this Sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySwitchEntry 9 } hhmsSensorArraySwitchIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..24) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index into the Switch sensor table" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySwitchEntry 10 } hhmsSensorArraySerialTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HhmsSensorArraySerialEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the data for every Serial Port in the SensorArray. Each row in the table contains data for a different Serial Port." ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 19 } hhmsSensorArraySerialEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HhmsSensorArraySerialEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is an entry in the hhmsSensorArraySerialEntry Table" INDEX { hhmsSensorArraySerialIndex } ::= { hhmsSensorArraySerialTable 1 } HhmsSensorArraySerialEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hhmsSensorArraySerialDescription DisplayString, hhmsSensorArraySerialLocation DisplayString, hhmsSensorArraySerialStatus INTEGER, hhmsSensorArraySerialOnline INTEGER, hhmsSensorArraySerialGoOnline INTEGER, hhmsSensorArraySerialData DisplayString, hhmsSensorArraySerialBaud INTEGER, hhmsSensorArraySerialDataBits INTEGER, hhmsSensorArraySerialParity INTEGER, hhmsSensorArraySerialStop INTEGER, hhmsSensorArraySerialCTS INTEGER, hhmsSensorArraySerialRTS INTEGER, hhmsSensorArraySerialConfig DisplayString, hhmsSensorArraySerialIndex INTEGER } hhmsSensorArraySerialDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Description of this Serial Port" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySerialEntry 1 } hhmsSensorArraySerialLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The physical location of this Serial Port" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySerialEntry 2 } hhmsSensorArraySerialStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noStatus(1), normal(2), critical(4), sensorError(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current status of this Serial Port" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySerialEntry 3 } hhmsSensorArraySerialOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { online(1), offline(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this Serial Port is currently online" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySerialEntry 4 } hhmsSensorArraySerialGoOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { goOnline(1), goOffline(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "To put online enter a 1, to take offline enter a 2" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySerialEntry 5 } hhmsSensorArraySerialData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Write sends data, read gets data from this Serial Port" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySerialEntry 6 } hhmsSensorArraySerialBaud OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { baud1200(255), baud2400(129), baud4800(64), baud9600(32), baud19200(15), baud28800(10), baud38400(7), baud57600(4), baud115200(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Choose the baud rate for this serial port" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySerialEntry 7 } hhmsSensorArraySerialDataBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eight(8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Parity bit for this serial port" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySerialEntry 8 } hhmsSensorArraySerialParity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Parity bit for this serial port" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySerialEntry 9 } hhmsSensorArraySerialStop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { one(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Stop bits for this serial port" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySerialEntry 10 } hhmsSensorArraySerialCTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Turn CTS on or off for this serial port" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySerialEntry 11 } hhmsSensorArraySerialRTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Turn RTS on or off for this serial port" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySerialEntry 12 } hhmsSensorArraySerialConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Description of this Serial Port" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySerialEntry 13 } hhmsSensorArraySerialIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index into the Serial table" ::= { hhmsSensorArraySerialEntry 14 } hhmsSensorArrayDebug OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(0) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Turn on or off debug messages" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 20 } hhmsSensorArrayDebugIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP address to send debug messages to" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 21 } hhmsSensorArrayTrapResend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(0) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If traps for Warning or Error should be resent. Traps for Normal status are sent once" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 22 } hhmsSensorArrayTrapResendInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How often to resend mail or Traps. Enter the number of seconds from 15 to 65535. Mail for WARNING and ERROR are resent at this interval. Traps for Normal status are sent once" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 23 } hhmsSensorArraySendTraps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Turn on or off the sending of traps" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 24 } hhmsSensorArrayTrapDestination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the trap destination" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 25 } hhmsSensorArrayTrapCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The community string of the trap destination" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 26 } hhmsSensorArrayTrapDefaultGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the trap destination is on another network, enter the IP address of the router" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 27 } hhmsSensorArrayTrapUseDefaultGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the trap destination uses the default gateway" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 28 } hhmsSensorArrayTrapDestinationMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the trap destination MAC address" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 29 } hhmsSensorArraySendMail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mailOnly(1), off(2), smsOnly(3), mailAndSms(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Turn on or off the sending of Mail and SMS messages" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 30 } hhmsSensorArrayMailRecpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The email address of the Recipient" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 31 } hhmsSensorArrayMailFrom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The email address of the Sender" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 32 } hhmsSensorArrayMailSMTP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP Address of the SMTP server. Note: This must be in dotted decimal form" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 33 } hhmsSensorArrayMailGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the smpt server is on another network, enter the IP address of the router" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 34 } hhmsSensorArrayMailUseGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the mail uses the default gateway" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 35 } hhmsSensorArrayMailResendInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How often to resend mail or Traps. Enter the number of seconds from 10 to 60. Mail for WARNING and ERROR are resent at this interval. Mail for Normal status are sent once" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 36 } hhmsSensorArrayMailMaxResend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of times to resend mail. If set to 0 only send once. The maximum value is 5" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 37 } hhmsSensorArrayMailDestinationMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the mail destination MAC address, either the smpt server or the gateway" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 38 } hhmsSensorArrayMailLastStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the most recent attempt to send an email" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 39 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HhmsSensorArrayPowerControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the Power Control features in the sensorArray." ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 40 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HhmsSensorArrayPowerControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is an entry in the hhmsSensorArrayPowerControlEntry Table" INDEX { hhmsSensorArrayPowerControlIndex } ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerControlTable 1 } HhmsSensorArrayPowerControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hhmsSensorArrayPowerModuleDescription DisplayString, hhmsSensorArrayPowerModuleStatus INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayPowerModuleOnline INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayPowerModuleGoOnline INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayPowerOutletDescription DisplayString, hhmsSensorArrayPowerOutletStatus INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayPowerOutletSet INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayPowerControlIndex INTEGER } hhmsSensorArrayPowerModuleDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Description of this Power Module" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerControlEntry 1 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerModuleStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noStatus(1), normal(2), sensorError(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current status of this Sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerControlEntry 2 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerModuleOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { online(1), offline(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this Sensor is currently online" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerControlEntry 3 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerModuleGoOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { goOnline(1), goOffline(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "To put online enter a 1, to take offline enter a 2" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerControlEntry 4 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerOutletDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Description of this Power Port" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerControlEntry 5 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerOutletStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noStatus(1), on(2), off(3), sensorError(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current status of this Sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerControlEntry 6 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerOutletSet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noStatus(1), on(2), off(3), reboot(4), sensorError(7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current status of this Sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerControlEntry 7 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index into the Power Control table" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerControlEntry 8 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the Power Monitor features in the sensorArray." ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 41 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is an entry in the hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry Table" INDEX { hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorIndex } ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorTable 1 } HhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorDescription DisplayString, hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorCurrent INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorVoltage INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorPower DisplayString, hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorStatus INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorOnline INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorGoOnline INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorHighWarning INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorHighCritical INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorLowWarning INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorLowCritical INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorRearm INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorIndex INTEGER } hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Description of this Power Monitor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry 1 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current in this sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry 2 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The voltage in this sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry 3 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total energy measured so far by this sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry 4 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noStatus(1), normal(2), highWarning(3), highCritical(4), lowWarning(5), lowCritical(6), sensorError(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current status of this Sensor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry 5 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { online(1), offline(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this Sensor is currently online" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry 6 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorGoOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { goOnline(1), goOffline(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "To put online enter a 1, to take offline enter a 2" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry 7 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorHighWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How many watts of power this sensor detects before the sensor status is set to warning" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry 8 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorHighCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How many watts of power this sensor detects before the sensor status is set to critical" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry 9 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorLowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How many watts of power this sensor detects before the sensor status is set to warning" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry 10 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorLowCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How many watts of power this sensor detects before the sensor status is set to critical" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry 11 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorRearm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How many watts of power this sensor detects to rearm the status. For example if status goes from normal to warning, the temp must go down hhmsTempRearm degrees below warning before the status goes to normal" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry 12 } hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index into the Power table" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayPowerMonitorEntry 13 } hhmsSensorArrayHighDriveTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HhmsSensorArrayHighDriveEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the High Current Drivers in the sensorArray." ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 42 } hhmsSensorArrayHighDriveEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HhmsSensorArrayHighDriveEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is an entry in the hhmsSensorArrayHighDriveEntry Table" INDEX { hhmsSensorArrayHighDriveIndex } ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHighDriveTable 1 } HhmsSensorArrayHighDriveEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hhmsSensorArrayHighDriveDescription DisplayString, hhmsSensorArrayHighDriveOutputLevel INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayHighDriveIndex INTEGER } hhmsSensorArrayHighDriveDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Description of this Power Monitor" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHighDriveEntry 1 } hhmsSensorArrayHighDriveOutputLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { closed(0), open(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Driver can be on or off. If closed the Open Collector will sink current. If open the Open Collector will tri state" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHighDriveEntry 2 } hhmsSensorArrayHighDriveIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..3) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index into the HighDrive table" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayHighDriveEntry 3 } hhmsSensorArrayCameraTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HhmsSensorArrayCameraEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the Camera features in the sensorArray." ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 43 } hhmsSensorArrayCameraEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HhmsSensorArrayCameraEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is an entry in the hhmsSensorArrayCameraEntry Table" INDEX { hhmsSensorArrayCameraIndex } ::= { hhmsSensorArrayCameraTable 1 } HhmsSensorArrayCameraEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hhmsSensorArrayCameraOnline INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayCameraGoOnline INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayCameraIP IpAddress, hhmsSensorArrayCameraWebPort INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayCameraTrapPort INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayCameraIPWebTrap DisplayString, hhmsSensorArrayCameraRefreshRate INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayCameraValidMinsLeft INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayCameraGetPassword DisplayString, hhmsSensorArrayCameraFrameWidth INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayCameraFrameHeight INTEGER, hhmsSensorArrayCameraIndex INTEGER } hhmsSensorArrayCameraOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { online(1), offline(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this Sensor is currently online" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayCameraEntry 1 } hhmsSensorArrayCameraGoOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { goOnline(1), goOffline(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "To put online enter a 1, to take offline enter a 2" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayCameraEntry 2 } hhmsSensorArrayCameraIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the PC containing the Camera" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayCameraEntry 3 } hhmsSensorArrayCameraWebPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port that the web server listens on" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayCameraEntry 4 } hhmsSensorArrayCameraTrapPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port that the trap server listens on" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayCameraEntry 5 } hhmsSensorArrayCameraIPWebTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Ip address, Web port and Trap port of the Camera server" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayCameraEntry 6 } hhmsSensorArrayCameraRefreshRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How often to refresh the image on the browser in seconds from 0 to 254" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayCameraEntry 7 } hhmsSensorArrayCameraValidMinsLeft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Camera Server sends an snmp refresh message to the sensorArray every 15 minutes. If the sensorArray does not hear from the server after 60 minutes, the server is no longer valid" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayCameraEntry 8 } hhmsSensorArrayCameraGetPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Get Password for the Camera Server" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayCameraEntry 9 } hhmsSensorArrayCameraFrameWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Width in pixels of a single camera frame, including border and title" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayCameraEntry 10 } hhmsSensorArrayCameraFrameHeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Height in pixels of a single camera frame, including border and title" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayCameraEntry 11 } hhmsSensorArrayCameraIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..5) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index into the Camera table" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayCameraEntry 12 } hhmsSensorArrayTrapMailPollInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How often the sensor thresholds are tested before sending traps or mail. This can vary from 3 to 15 seconds" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 50 } hhmsSensorArraySendTestMail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Send out an email test message" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 51 } hhmsSensorArrayLastSystemError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A text string containing the description of the last system error" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 52 } hhmsSensorArrayDataCollectionPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of minutes between collections of the data logger. This can vary from 1 to 60 minutes" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 53 } hhmsSensorArrayMailTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds to wait for a timeout while sending email This can vary from 10 to 60 seconds" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 54 } hhmsSensorArrayAutoSense OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(0) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable Auto-sense feature" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 55 } hhmsSensorArrayChecksum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Flash Checksum, computed dynamically whenever this object is read" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 56 } hhmsSensorArrayUsePassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { doNotUsePassword(1), usePassword(0) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not the set and get community are used to check for access rights" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 57 } hhmsSensorArrayGetFlash OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Get the contents of the flash in preparation to download the Microcode" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 58 } hhmsSensorArrayDisplayLogo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(0) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or Disable the display of the logo" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 59 } hhmsSensorArrayTrapType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { specificTypeTrap(1), generalTypeTrap(2), bothTypeTraps(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Whether to generate a trap that covers all sensors, a specific trap for each sensor, or both types of traps" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 60 } hhmsSensorArrayMailCC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The email address of the CC" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 61 } hhmsSensorArrayAllowIPChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This disables the changing of the IP address. The default is to enable changing the IP address" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 62 } hhmsSensorArraySMSRecp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The recipient of the SMS message" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 63 } hhmsSensorArraySMSMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The additional message included in the body of the SMS message" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 64 } hhmsSensorArrayEnableBroadcastFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable filtering broadcast messages. Useful in networks that have a lot of broadcast network traffic" ::= { hhmsSensorArrayEntry 65 } hhmsAgentConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hhmsagent 5 } hhmsAgentVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hhms agent release version number" ::= { hhmsAgentConfig 1 } hhmsCompressedSummaryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HhmsCompressedSummaryEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains a way to get summary info to the browser using minimum communication. One get contains a PDU info from multiple sensorArrays" ::= { hhmsAgentConfig 7 } hhmsCompressedSummaryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HhmsCompressedSummaryEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is an entry in the hhmsCompressedSummary Table" INDEX { hhmsCompressedSummaryIndex } ::= { hhmsCompressedSummaryTable 1 } HhmsCompressedSummaryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hhmsCompressedSummaryGet DisplayString, hhmsCompressedSummaryIndex INTEGER } hhmsCompressedSummaryGet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Get multiple compressed summary PDU" ::= { hhmsCompressedSummaryEntry 1 } hhmsCompressedSummaryIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index into the compressed summary table" ::= { hhmsCompressedSummaryEntry 2 } -- -- Varbinds used in TRAP Definitions -- hhmsAgentTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hhmsagent 7 } hhmsSensorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noStatus(1), normal(2), highWarning(3), highCritical(4), lowWarning(5), lowCritical(6), sensorError(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current integer status of the sensor causing this trap to be sent" ::= { hhmsAgentTraps 1 } hhmsSensorValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current integer value of the sensor causing this trap to be sent" ::= { hhmsAgentTraps 2 } hhmsSensorLevelExceeded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The integer level that was exceeded causing this trap to be sent" ::= { hhmsAgentTraps 3 } hhmsSensorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The integer index of the sensor causing this trap to be sent" ::= { hhmsAgentTraps 4 } hhmsSensorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the sensor causing this trap to be sent" ::= { hhmsAgentTraps 5 } hhmsSensorDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The description of the sensor causing this trap to be sent" ::= { hhmsAgentTraps 6 } -- TRAP Definitions hhmsUnknownStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent DESCRIPTION "hhmsagent status went to Unknown" ::= 0 hhmsNormalStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent DESCRIPTION "hhmsagent status is Normal" ::= 1 hhmsWarningStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent DESCRIPTION "hhmsagent status went to Warning" ::= 2 hhmsCriticalStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent DESCRIPTION "hhmsagent status went to Critical" ::= 3 hhmsDownStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent DESCRIPTION "hhmsagent status went to Disabled" ::= 4 hhmsTemperatureStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 10 hhmsHumidityStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 20 hhmsSwitchStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 30 hhmsPowerMonitorStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Power Monitor sensor trap" ::= 40 hhmsTemperature1Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 101 hhmsTemperature2Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 102 hhmsTemperature3Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 103 hhmsTemperature4Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 104 hhmsTemperature5Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 105 hhmsTemperature6Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 106 hhmsTemperature7Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 107 hhmsTemperature8Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 108 hhmsTemperature9Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 109 hhmsTemperature10Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 110 hhmsTemperature11Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 111 hhmsTemperature12Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 112 hhmsTemperature13Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 113 hhmsTemperature14Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 114 hhmsTemperature15Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 115 hhmsTemperature16Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 116 hhmsTemperature17Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 117 hhmsTemperature18Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 118 hhmsTemperature19Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 119 hhmsTemperature20Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 120 hhmsTemperature21Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 121 hhmsTemperature22Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 122 hhmsTemperature23Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 123 hhmsTemperature24Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor trap" ::= 124 hhmsHumidity1Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 201 hhmsHumidity2Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 202 hhmsHumidity3Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 203 hhmsHumidity4Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 204 hhmsHumidity5Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 205 hhmsHumidity6Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 206 hhmsHumidity7Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 207 hhmsHumidity8Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 208 hhmsHumidity9Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 209 hhmsHumidity10Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 210 hhmsHumidity11Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 211 hhmsHumidity12Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 212 hhmsHumidity13Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 213 hhmsHumidity14Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 214 hhmsHumidity15Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 215 hhmsHumidity16Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 216 hhmsHumidity17Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 217 hhmsHumidity18Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 218 hhmsHumidity19Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 219 hhmsHumidity20Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 220 hhmsHumidity21Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 221 hhmsHumidity22Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 222 hhmsHumidity23Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 223 hhmsHumidity24Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Humidity sensor trap" ::= 224 hhmsSwitch1Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 301 hhmsSwitch2Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 302 hhmsSwitch3Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 303 hhmsSwitch4Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 304 hhmsSwitch5Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 305 hhmsSwitch6Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 306 hhmsSwitch7Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 307 hhmsSwitch8Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 308 hhmsSwitch9Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 309 hhmsSwitch10Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 310 hhmsSwitch11Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 311 hhmsSwitch12Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 312 hhmsSwitch13Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 313 hhmsSwitch14Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 314 hhmsSwitch15Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 315 hhmsSwitch16Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 316 hhmsSwitch17Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 317 hhmsSwitch18Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 318 hhmsSwitch19Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 319 hhmsSwitch20Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 320 hhmsSwitch21Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 321 hhmsSwitch22Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 322 hhmsSwitch23Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 323 hhmsSwitch24Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 324 hhmsSwitch25Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 325 hhmsSwitch26Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 326 hhmsSwitch27Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 327 hhmsSwitch28Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 328 hhmsSwitch29Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 329 hhmsSwitch30Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 330 hhmsSwitch31Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 331 hhmsSwitch32Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 332 hhmsSwitch33Status TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hhmsagent VARIABLES { hhmsSensorStatus, hhmsSensorValue, hhmsSensorLevelExceeded, hhmsSensorIndex, hhmsSensorName, hhmsSensorDescription } DESCRIPTION "Switch sensor trap" ::= 333 END