SNMPv2-SMI DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- the path to the root org OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso 3 } -- "iso" = 1 dod OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { org 6 } internet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dod 1 } directory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 1 } mgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 2 } mib-2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgmt 1 } transmission OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 10 } experimental OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 3 } private OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 4 } enterprises OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { private 1 } security OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 5 } snmpV2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 6 } -- transport domains snmpDomains OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpV2 1 } -- transport proxies snmpProxys OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpV2 2 } -- module identities snmpModules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpV2 3 } -- Extended UTCTime, to allow dates with four-digit years -- (Note that this definition of ExtUTCTime is not to be IMPORTed -- by MIB modules.) ExtUTCTime ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(11 | 13)) -- format is YYMMDDHHMMZ or YYYYMMDDHHMMZ -- where: YY - last two digits of year (only years -- between 1900-1999) -- YYYY - last four digits of the year (any year) -- MM - month (01 through 12) -- DD - day of month (01 through 31) -- HH - hours (00 through 23) -- MM - minutes (00 through 59) -- Z - denotes GMT (the ASCII character Z) -- -- For example, "9502192015Z" and "199502192015Z" represent -- 8:15pm GMT on 19 February 1995. Years after 1999 must use -- the four digit year format. Years 1900-1999 may use the -- two or four digit format. -- definitions for information modules -- names of objects -- (Note that these definitions of ObjectName and NotificationName -- are not to be IMPORTed by MIB modules.) -- syntax of objects -- the "base types" defined here are: -- 3 built-in ASN.1 types: INTEGER, OCTET STRING, OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- 8 application-defined types: Integer32, IpAddress, Counter32, -- Gauge32, Unsigned32, TimeTicks, Opaque, and Counter64 -- definitions of administrative identifiers zeroDotZero OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value used for null identifiers." ::= { 0 0 } END