DIAG.TXT - Serial Diagnostic Programs Serial Utility Diskette 1997 ********************************************************************* If you have any questions or comments concerning these diagnostic programs, please contact technical support at the numbers listed in the README.TXT file in the root directory of this diskette. This document is organized with the following conventions: Section 1. Serial Diagnostic Menu Driven Test Program (SSD.EXE) Section 2. Serial Loopback Test (SLT.EXE) ********************************************************************* Section 1. Serial Diagnostic Menu Driven Test Program (SSD.EXE) SSD is a diagnostic program for UART based products which use 16550, 16450 or 8250 compatible UARTs. The syntax for invoking the program is: SSD /b:### - where ### is the base address of the UART in hex. ex. - test COM1 => Syntax: SSD /b:3F8 - test COM2 => Syntax: SSD /b:2F8 - test a UART at 2E0 hex => Syntax: SSD /b:2E0 The procedures provided are as follows: 1) Verify address and examine UART - Confirms the presence of a UART at the specified address and displays the configuration of the device when the test was started. * Note: The following loopback tests use ASCII characters for checking transmit / receive data continuity. If 5 or 6 bit word length is selected, these tests will fail due to the lack of bits in the data. 2) Internal UART loopback test - Places the UART in a diagnostic loopback mode. Data transmitted is immediately received. External loopback test - A loopback plug is required for this test: RS - 422 RS - 232 ---------------- --------------- TX(+) -> RX(+) TD -> RD TX(-) -> RX(-) RTS -> CTS -> RI RTS(+) -> CTS(+) DTR -> DSR -> DCD RTS(-) -> CTS(-) DTR(+) -> DSR(+) DTR(-) -> DSR(-) Data is transmitted and received through the RS-232 or RS-422 drivers. The modem control signals are tested for continuity. Loopback connectors for this test are available from technical support. 3) IRQ test - Generates an interrupt and indicates which interrupt request line has been detected. 4) Examine modem control signals - Allows control over RTS and DTR and displays the status of the other modem control signals (RI,CTS,DCD,DSR). 5) Terminal mode - A) Places the PC into a terminal emulation mode. All characters typed on the keyboard are transmitted through the UART. Received data is displayed in ASCII format. B) Transmits a continuous data stream through the UART for troubleshooting purposes. Pressing any key toggles the stream on and off. The IRQ line is active at this time and its transitions can be observed. 6) Show current system COM: and LPT: settings. 7) Test setup - This selection will allow the UART test parameters to be modified. 8) Initialize UART - This selection will configure various settings for this program. 9) Exit to DOS - Restores the original state of the UART and exits the program. ********************************************************************* Section 2. Serial Loopback Test Program (SLT.EXE) 1) Command Line Syntax. C:>SLT /b:xxx /i:y Where xxx is the base address of the port and y is the IRQ selected. The program will test the port at 19.2Kbps N,8,1. The test program is interrupt driven and requires a loopback plug (see below). Address Range: 0-FFFF Hex IRQ Range: 2-15 Decimal (XT and AT IRQs) 2) Examples: C:>SLT /b:3F8 /i:4 This will test COM1: C:>SLT /b:2F8 /i:3 This will test COM2: C:>SLT /b:300 /i:15 This will test address 300 hex and IRQ15. 3) Loopback: RS-232 loop TX to RX RS-422/485/530 loop TX+ to RX+ AND TX- to RX- 4) Notes: IRQ2 on "AT" class machines is not available. IRQ9 is substituted in place of IRQ2. To select IRQ9, place jumper on the IRQ2 position. C:>SLT /b:300 /i:9 This will test address 300 hex and IRQ9 on an "AT" even though IRQ2 is selected. SLT.EXE will enable RTS for RS-485 mode operation. *********************************************************************