This directory contains support files for the Octoware product. Octoware Compatibility ===================== Note: This version of Octoware uses *.avt files for upgrade of KV17xx products. These files and their release notes are available on this site. - Revision of Octoware is fully compatible with the following AMX firmware revisions: KV1701E From revision KV1702E From revision KV1710E From revision KV1712E From revision KV1720A (PS2) All revisions KV1722A (VSN) All revisions KV1723A (WSN) All revisions - Revision of Octoware will successfully update firmware from all of the following revisions: KV1701E All revisions KV1702E All revisions KV1710E All revisions KV1712E All revisions KV1720A (PS2) All revisions KV1722A (VSN) All revisions KV1723A (WSN) All revisions How do I update? =============== When you update to Octoware, it is also recommended that you update the firmware on your KV170x devices to revision The KV170x devices must be at revision to be fully compatible with this revision of Octoware. These new software and firmware revisions together bring many features and benefits (see below) to your AMX system. You may update your firmware either before or after you update Octoware. How do I update Octoware? ======================== Updating from Octoware 1.x ------------------------------ 1.Ensure that the correct database information is distributed across the system by performing a 'Synchronize System Database” from your existing installation. Use the Octoware database as your synchronization reference. 2. When synchronization has completed, close your running instance of Octoware. 3. Place the install CD for your new version of Octoware into your CD-drive, and run setup. 4. Follow the on-screen instructions: you may install the new version of Octoware over the old version, and you may choose to keep your existing database intact. 5. Go to the section "completing the installation", below. Completing the Installation: ---------------------------- 1. Run Octoware. You will be prompted for a password. The default password is 'password'. We recommend that you change the password from its default setting. 2. After updating Octoware, set the Network Settings from the Admin menu. 3. You now need to either “Discover” or “Add” your KV170x devices. Note: If Octoware exists on the same physical network and subnet as the KV170x devices, then you will only need to perform a “Discovery” at this step, and all of your KV170x devices will be automatically discovered. If they are not automatically discovered, check that the ConfigID specified in you Network Settings matches the Config ID specified on all of your KV170x devices. Note: If you have not already updated the firmware on your KV170x devices, then you will not be able to successfully synchronize the system databases. You will need to update the firmware on your KV170x devices, then continue to step 4. For information on upgrading your KV170x, see ‘How do I update the firmware on my KV170x Devices?’ below. 4. When you have either "discovered" or "added" each of your KV170x devices, perform a “Synchronize System Database” on your newly configured system. 4.a. Choose one of your KV170x devices as your Database Source. 4.b. Use the ‘overwrite’ option. 4.c. Click the start button. How do I update the firmware on my KV170x Devices? ================================================== 1. Install Octoware as described above. 2. When you reach point 4 from "completing the installation", you must update your firmware. 3. Select 'Admin Tools - Firmware Update' from the menu. 4. Select all of the KV170x devices on your configuration. 5. From the "firmware update" dialog, select the update file for the KV170x devices. this file will be named "KV170x.bbx". Ensure you select the revision 6. Select "begin update", and all firmware updates will complete. You may update all of your KV170x devices in parallel, for fastest results. It will take about 5 minutes for the firmware updates to complete. Additional features: =================== Filename Description -------- ----------------------------------------------------- Setup.exe - Ability to 'add' KV170x devices that exist on a different network to Octoware. - Ability to automatically 'discover' KV170x devices that exist on a different network to Octoware. - 'Discovery' and 'Synchronization' have been split into two functions. - 'Synchronization' has been improved, and has been speeded up. - 'Synchronization' now allows you to either 'merge' all system databases, or 'overwrite' with a known database. - Once 'synchronized', your system will endeavour to keep itself in sync at all times. - 'Firmware Updates' have been improved. - You may now select 'parallel mode' or 'sequential mode' when performing Firmware Updates. - This allows you to either update all devices in the least time, or have the least system-usability impact while updating individual devices. - Device Connectivity information and Event information is more reliable and accurate, in real time. - Devices may go into an "offline" state, from which they may be removed from Octoware. Known Issues with this Software: ================================ 1. If you setup either User or Server groups on Octoware, then subsequently change a User's permissions from an KV171x OSD, Octoware will go "out of sync". 2. If you use version of Octoware to _downgrade_ your KV170x firmware to a pre- revision, you may experience some firmware-update issues on your first subsequent attempt to re-update them. Note : Following 2 defects fixed in this release. ================================================= When removing offline servers, the server at the top of the list is always deleted, even if another server has been selected by the administrator. Database error when no AM Works and KV1702E database.